Titel Album Länge
* = instrumental
Dam Break About Apples and Pears 04:01
Das Verhör* The Instrumental Phase 03:39
Das Wiedersehen* The Instrumental Phase 02:49
Der Mai ist zum kotzen The Instrumental Phase 04:58
Der Zirkusjunge* The Instrumental Phase 06:31(Part 1+2)
Die 4 Jahreszeiten* The Instrumental Phase 12:34(gesamt)
Shall i compare To be, or not to be 05:21
Shy One William Butler Yeats 03:53
So tell me some of your beautiful words About Apples and Pears 05:26
Solomon To Sheba William Butler Yeats 07:51
Somehow everything Before you close your eyes 08:43
Spring and Winter To be, or not to be 13:27 Parts 1&2
Spürbar bald* The Instrumental Phase 03:33
Stars in the Sky About Apples and Pears 06:25
Tentacles Family Constellations 03:37
The Ballpoint ... Before you close your eyes 07:45
The beloved one Is it dark? 06:30
The Blackbird Is it dark? 06:29
The day you stuck the knife in my back About Apples and Pears 09:54
The End The Wilfred Owen Project 05:08
The Happy Townland William Butler Yeats 13:05
The last laugh The Wilfred Owen Project 05:12
The Nightingale Family Constellations 05:42
The Rattling Sewing Machine About Apples and Pears 06:34
The Risen Soul About Apples and Pears 05:38
The Snail Shell Is it dark? 04:21
The sun-lit moon Before you close your eyes 09:00
The Time To be, or not to be 08:11 Parts 1&2
The Truth Social distancing 04:37
The way to Nirvana Is it dark? 04:18
The Witch To be, or not to be 06:21
Waste About Apples and Pears 04:49
We must break apart About Apples and Pears 02:51
Weni uf mim bröggli be Before you close your eyes 03:35
When you are old William Butler Yeats 06:16
While I sleep Before you close your eyes 11:38
Who belived in her? Before you close your eyes 10:37
Who Do You Lie To? About Apples and Pears 05:08
Who i am Before you close your eyes 06:18
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